Coronavirus….. Boost your immune system with Cryotherapy


Everyone is asking about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic right now and what Cryotherapy can do to help you. Preventing it by up regulating your immunity and taking precautions with hygiene in such a delicate time is a must.

We want to give you four scientific facts on cryotherapy and how it boosts the immune system. White blood and B-lymphocyte cells are the cells that help us fight infection and disease, that’s why we call them our Soldier Cells.  Cryotherapy has been shown to increase the amount of these soldier cells, while also elevating anti-inflammatory Cytokines which help reduce systemic inflammation as well as keep more from building up.  This plays a huge role in why cryotherapy helps with athletic recovery, but also why people with inflammatory conditions such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Crohn’s Disease, MS, Fibromyalgia, and many others see such relief and benefit from regular cryotherapy use.  The Cytokines help heal damaged cells while the white blood cells fight viruses and infection.

In the human body, elevated cortisol and chronic negative stress can weaken the immune system leaving us vulnerable to illness and disease.  With Cryotherapy, we are releasing a large dose of Endorphins which have shown to reduce cortisol.  This reduction in cortisol strengthens our immune system!

When in a cryotherapy session, the body sends all of our blood from the skin to our core to protect our vital organs.  While circulating internally, the blood becomes very rich in Oxygen and Nutrients.  As our Cryo session ends and we step out, our blood vessels vasodilate, sending all of that amazing rich blood out to the extremities.  This blood flow helps to improve cellular function and growth, while also improving Organ Function.
Increased blood flow & organ function drastically increases the body’s ability to rid the body of toxins and waste.  The increase in rich blood flow to the kidneys boosts their ability to remove any toxicity and waste as they are designed to do!

We know that our bodies are amazing, but living through this pandemic we also know that we need all the help we can get to ensure we are healthy enough to beat this!  Stay strong everyone, sending you all a big distance hug. Our doors are open and extra sanitised and will help you get that extra strong immune from all of us at the BZ team.